Jasmine's Weblog

دوشنبه، فروردین ۰۱، ۱۳۹۰

Norouz 1390 mobarak

eyde hameye tarafdarane paro pa ghorse Yasi joonam mobarak.
Khabare jadid inke ke Yasi sahebe yek pesar khaleye googooli ham shode ke lahze shomari mikone bere bebinesh dar Iran.

یکشنبه، اسفند ۱۵، ۱۳۸۹

I actually can believe that it has been almost 8 months that I last updated Jasmine'e weblog. A lot had been going on, not all of them fun. Daddy had been sick for the most part and for sure Ariana too. Mom was busy looking for new jobs and dealing with work and everything at home. So accept my apologies and let's move on....
Yasi will be 6 in 3 weeks, this I can't believe. What's new with her? she has lost one tooth already and the second one is about to fall as well. She started ballet 3 months ago and she loves it a lot.She switched daycare from Goddard to Kindercare and actually is in Kindergarten now. I can tell that her math is better than her reading. She is competitive and is trying to make mom proud. She is very excited for Nourooz this year and she has already picked and bought her "lebase eyd". We still need to go shopping for some new fancy shoes. Knock on wood if everything goes smoothly, I should be able to update her Blog and post pictures more frequently.
For now enjoy her journey from July 2010 till now


Major Haircut

Christmas 2010
Halloween 2010

First day of Kindergarten